We recognise that a sustainable approach to business is essential for the planet and future generations.
A comprehensive strategy that includes ambitious net zero targets, collaborative industry initiatives, and a commitment to sustainable business operations underpins the Environment pillar of our responsible business practices.
In the year ended 30 April 2024, the firm continued to work in partnership with peers, clients and stakeholders to support sustainability, broadening our understanding of climate issues and improving our people's capabilities to advise clients on climate issues.
Our firm also made considerable advances in reducing its carbon footprint, enhancing the sustainability of our global office portfolio, and integrating the likely impacts of climate risk into our firm-wide Enterprise Risk Management framework with greater specificity than before.
The Net Zero Delivery Group (NZDG) is instrumental in our firm's emissions reduction plan, which focuses on key areas such as business travel and supplier emissions, as well as engaging people across the firm in sustainability efforts.
Emissions reduction progress
Our firm is ambitious in its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction goals. The SBTi approved the firm's near-term science-based emissions reduction target in FY22; we aim to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 80% by FY30 from a FY20 base year, and to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 47% within the same time frame. Our long-term target is a 90% reduction in our absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by FY50 from our FY20 base year. We have used updated emissions factors for our FY24 GHG inventory and plan to recalculate and report on historical emissions using these updated emissions factors in FY25.