Find Clifford Chance's media contacts on this page. If you are not a media professional and have a general enquiry about Clifford Chance, please contact us.
If you have an urgent, out of hours media query please contact our switchboard on +4420 7006 1000.
Fatiha Ragueh
Office Manager
+212 5 20 008 605
Email Fatiha
Kane Dowsett
Brand, Communications and Marketing Manager
+1 212 878 8000
Email Kane
Michael Jalili
Communications Manager - Americas
+1 212 880 5772
Email Michael
Kaitlin Scagluso
Communications & Marketing Specialist - Americas
+1 212 895 1032
Email Katlin
Asia Pacific
Madhu Mirpuri
Brand, Communications and Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific
+852 2825 8851
Email Madhu
Fenix Wong
Brand, Communications and Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific
+852 2825 8056
Email Fenix
One Europe
Dick Van Bokhorst
Head of Brand, Communications and Marketing for Europe
+34 615 8867 90
Email Dick
Dick Van Bokhorst
Head of Brand, Communications and Marketing for Europe
+34 615 8867 90
Email Dick
Czech Republic
Tereza Jurakova
BD Manager
+420 222 55 5582
Email Tereza
Laure-Helene Caillot
PR & Digital Communications Coordinator
+3314 405 8289
Email Laure
Iva Celic
Head of Brand Communications and Marketing for the Netherlands and Germany
+31 20 7113 541
Email Iva
Lisa Trager
Communications Manager
+49 69 7199 2126
Email Lisa
Nadja Fersch
Communications Manager
+49 69 7199 2129
Email Nadja
Dick Van Bokhorst
Head of Brand Communications and Marketing for Continental Europe
+34 615 8867 90
Email Dick
Delphine Madar
Head of Business Development, Marketing and Communication
+352 661485205
Email Delphine
Iva Celic
Head of Brand Communications and Marketing for the Netherlands and Germany
+31 20 7113 541
Email Iva
Małgorzata Dezor-Tomaszewska
Head of BD, Marketing and Communications
+48 22429 9646
Email Malgorzata
Anne-Marie Nistoroiu
Business Development Specialist
+4021 6666 253
Email Anne
Ana Nogales
Head of Communications, Spain
Email Ana
Middle East
Victoria Brewerton-Owen
Senior Business Development & Marketing Manager
Email Victoria
Samantha White
Business Development Manager
Email Samantha
Dilan Ayyildiz
BD Manager
+90 212339 0 076
Email Dilan
United Kingdom
Sonia Malhotra-Denny
External Communications Lead
+44 (0)20 7006 4001
Email Sonia
Chanelle Mutawe
PR Associate Manager
+44 (0)20 7006 2004
Email Chanelle
Shamma Kelly
External Communications Associate Manager
+44 (0)20 7006 2012
Email Shamma
Corporate communications
Helen Basil
Global Head of External Communications
+44 (0)20 7006 2575
Email Helen
Sonia Malhotra-Denny
External Communications Lead
+44 (0)20 7006 4001
Email Sonia